Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Self-Assessment Project

Self-Assessment Project

Q Instructions You are to complete 7 of the Quizzes found in this website: Follow the link to Quizzes then scroll down to the quizzes on Relationships and Sexuality or Personality sections. Please avoid using the Quizzes on Disorders and Symptoms since the emphasis in this class is on psychological well-being, not mental illness. - To begin your essay, state and highlight or indicate in italics or bold the titles of each of the self-assessments you took and briefly describe your results in terms of your reaction and how you see your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors coinciding with your scores. You may also address what surprised you about the findings. Be certain to provide a thorough discussion, as this part is worth 25% of your grade on the essay - Next, write an overall summary describing your insight into what the findings mean to you and what you learned about yourself in reference to your own psychological well-being. Again, please provide a thorough discussion, as this part is also worth another 25% of your grade on the essay. Submit your Self-Assessment Project to the assignment folder no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This folder may be linked to Turnitin.) ________________________________________

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In this assignment, we were asked to take 7 quizzes on Relationships and Sexuality or Personality sections. I chose to do my assignment on Relationships and Sexuality. I chose the quizzes on that topic to see what I could learn not only about myself but also about my relationship. I was surprised at the findings in which I will go into detail further below. The first quiz that I took was called the Sustainable marriage quiz. This quiz went over how much your relationship expand your knowledge and make you feel good about yourself. This quiz really shocked me about my thoughts on my partner in our relationship. I guess because these are questions I never truly asked myself so to see it assessed in such a way made me feel somewhat stressed.